Brand New Day

By brandnewday


- Backblip -

Think this is the longest I've gone, apart from when I've been on holiday, with not posting any blips. When I've been putting my backblips together, I've realised how bad this past week has been for me blipwise - I'm hoping the next two days of holiday will mean I've time to get a half decent picture!

Anyway, I got in from work just after 11pm tonight, completely shattered. While I stuffed my face with some pasta, I got my camera out as wanted to blip the new poinsettia plant.

Things didn't quite go to plan as when I turned on my camera, nothing happened. Started to panic a bit as the first thing that sprung to mind was that it was broken - I'd just charged it a couple of days before and thought that there was no way the battery would be dead already. So the next 10 minutes were spent taking the battery out and then putting it back in about half a dozen times, ensuring the memory card was in ok, and switching it on and off again. Did it work? No.

I then started to charge the battery, just on the off chance, and then got out the point and shoot digital camera. By this time I was about falling asleep on the couch and just wanted my bed so had to make do with this picture.

As I lay in bed, I thought I'll just check to see if my first camera is working again. So, I unplugged the battery, put it in the camera, turned it on and...

...yup you've guessed it, it worked. Battery was dead after all. Panic over!

Panic - The Smiths

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