
By Barking

The answer is blowing in the wind

We've had sun, we've had wind, we've had rain, we've had snow. Now it's back to raining and windy. The snow is all but gone. My living room is 8 degrees but hopefully will warm up soon enough. Cousteau is standing with his head on my lap, trying to get some warmth from me. It's a win-win situation. He's got a very warm head.

I've had a very pleasant day.

I got up at 8 am and went for a walk in the forest with J, S, W and Georgia, their German Wirehaired Pointer. S took off my somewhat deflated tyre from the Subaru and put on the space saver. I then headed to get the tyre fixed and then into town for a bit of retail therapy.

I'm not a small person, about 168 cm and 58 kg, but I struggled to make it up the street in town, the wind was creating havoc and I had to grab a lampost at one point to stop myself from being blown into the road. Living on the edge.

Then the heavens opened. It rained, then it snowed and then it carried on snowing. By the time I got back to the tyre place, I was sopping. I had to smile though. Everyone walking looked so miserable so I just wandered along getting wet and cold and smiling. People probably thought I was a complete nutter.

I dried off and then did my Year 9 reports. I'm half way through marking my Year 11 speeches now, the bread is rising in the kitchen and the washing is drying in front of the heater.

Canterbury and I had a long talk last night and he is looking into flying me out to Sydney to catch up with him towards the end of next week. Hopefully it'll happen. I plan to go anyway to see a friend of mine who lives there but we'll see.

Oh yes, this shot is just before it started raining, when it was just windy. Brought a bit of brightness to an otherwise rather grey day.

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