
By blowfish


Good day for meeting new family. First over to Leah's grandparents where her dad and one of his brothers (and his wife) were in from Seattle. Really great to see L's dad again, her grandparents, and meet some more of her extended family for the first time.

Then back to my parents where my sister and her husband were visiting from up the road in Denver proper. And I finally got to meet my new little nephew, Seamus! Oh man, such an amazing experience seeing my sister with a kid, seeing my parents do the whole grandparenting thing, and getting to hold/feed/burp him with Leah. Check Leah's journal for today for a great photo of Seamus getting burped by my dad. It is all so beautiful.

Exhausted now. Apologies for my inarticulate ramblings. Cheers, good friends. To you and yours.

Outtake: Bosley eating a special dinner.

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