My Life Is Not Average

By melamny

The '98

My Dad's first Dell, with Windows '98. My sister and I were going through our old files on it today - which was hilarious, embarrassing, and a rather strange insight into what we used to be like - because my Dad is packing up his study as he's switching rooms with my sister. It will be sad to see the '98 go. We spent so many hours using it to create things and discover how computers work, mainly by making Powerpoint presentations that could do a variety of things, including films and interactive 'websites' and games.

This evening I went with some of my church student group and a couple of friends to Laser Quest. I love Laser Quest, and I get rather competitive, but I'm not very good! My scores today were 451 in the first game, then 68 in the second game - I had to switch guns between games so I'm wondering if the second gun wasn't up to scratch, because I don't usually do that badly. Maybe it's because I walked into a wall (twice). It was fun though, and a few of us went to get chips afterwards, mmm.

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