
By Juli

Guests for dinner.

No, not these two! :-DDD

It was like Christmas all over again today, with the table laid with our best dinner service, festive napkins and so-called 'luxury' crackers as we had friends coming over for dinner. Not a turkey in sight, though, thank goodness - mozzarella and avocado to start, then spaghetti with home-made meatballs and garlic bread for the main course. Nothing posh but it all tasted great - good 'winter warmer' food, I think!

I noticed that we now have sheep at the bottom of the garden instead of cows so nipped out quickly this afternoon to take a picture before the sky went completely black (and I figured I'd be far too drunk busy later to take any other shots).

Ooh, almost forgot to mention that our friends gave me 'Just Dance 3' for the Wii - watch out for future YouTube links to me strutting my stuff... NOT! :-D

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