running commentary

By Stesedthat

400 Blips.... and rest

I had a grand idea for my 400th which included using my 200mm lens and a 2x converter to give 400mm focal length, ISO 400 and 1/400 sec.
Thing is, the lens would be at f8 max aperture so I would need a bright day or light source to get anything but a dark photo. Also, today was the day I'd elected to organise my xmas fellrun for a few friends and I certainly wasnt for lugging any big equipment up the hills. It was terrible weather anyway and I didnt even take out my smallish camera from the safety of the drybag in my backpack.
Perhaps its a shame yesterday wasnt my 400th as the 399th seemed to be rather well received.
I am reminded of the day of my 301st Blip which was a bit of a stunner and certainly better then my 300th.

So anyway here is the only photo I took today so it'll have to do.

In other news...
That lens I was telling you about on Friday (and which I nearly bought but they wouldnt budge on price) has now been discounted by that very shop (lets call it shop W) to £699 whilst my favoured shop (lets call it shop J) has increased the price to £779. Due to the price match promise by shop J I am collecting it on Tuesday for the lower price. Great buy for me but what a bunch of numptys in shop W eh?).

Ill take this opportunity to wish all the best for 2012 to the people I have come to know via Blip
and to my real life friends -
Time for a bit of catching up IWC
Keep at it NLN your results are ever improving
Snappy and DaveH, Penriths Pinky and Perky, remember to take a thermos and warm coat for the night shot you have planned - ill keep an eye out for it.

Like at the end of the cartoons on a Sunday afternoon, from me - That's all folks

Thankyou and goodnight

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