Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Four Boys and a Grandma!

Today the family arrived en masse. One grandma, one granddad, one honorary grandma, one step granddad, one brother, one sister-in-law and their two small excitables, joined me, Bob, our two small excitables and our deranged dog who is more excitable than all the rest of them put together.

Much drink, chilli and trifle was consumed and I think everyone had a good time. I certainly did.

We all grabbed a plate and sat or perched wherever we fancied but mum came up with the rather good suggestion of using our picnic table in the hall as an eating base for the boys. They loved the idea of having their very own table. H was terrific, in the role of big-brother organiser and toddler wrangler. Pete (bottom right) hero worships him...too much hero worship can be a bit wearing though so he escaped to his room for a while for some respite!

The boys all look so different yet so alike. Families are a bit weird like that aren't they? Noah and Stanley are completely different colouring yet bizarrely similar, as are H and Pete.

Grandma wanted her photo taken with all the boys. Trying to crowbar them all (the boys not grandma) into the same shot though is like trying to shepherd eels. But I finally managed to corner them at the table :-)

This is back-blipped as I haven't turned my computer on in a couple of days.

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