
I was amused to observe my father's reactions when Edgar decided to puke at him this afternoon which appeared very similar to my keep-it-off-the-difficult-to-wash-carpet instincts, selflessly fielding most of the puke with his own clothes except for a little bit which dribbled onto the chair. Clothes can be rinsed and washed and chairs can be wiped but things which have seeped down into carpets are harder to remove. I don't have much clothing suitable for people three inches taller and twenty kilos heavier but found a pair of old shorts which proved sufficient to get him home, though it later transpired that their gardening gear was in a bag in the other room all the time. It was probably too windy for their to be too many neds abroad by the time parents left but a man walking along in thigh-revealing shorts would have been the sort of thing they seem to find amusing.

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