
By patrona

Els Raims

I don't know the origin of this tradition but it adds a moment of drama to the midnight hour.

The idea is that as the bells sound for midnight you eat a grape for every "bong", so twelve grapes get eaten in the time the clock takes to ring in the New Year.

It is followed religiously in Catalonia, parties stop to eat the grapes and indeed some don't start until after midnight to allow people to do the grapes with family members before heading out.

We are a reduced band this year, son Adam having discovered social life and women in a heady mix of excitement, has eschewed tradition and has fled the coop for the night. Jack is here to give his old parents some company before he too escapes with his pals.

Of course here in Catalonia we reach midnight an hour ahead of the UK, so an early Guid New Year to you all and to my family in Australia who are seven hours ahead, you will have had yours already.

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