Particles & Waves

By EdwardFenner

Blast that Moriarty!

A clever devil that Professor Moriarty! We bought tickets for the new Sherlock Holmes movie A Game of Shadows but were given tickets to War Horse (I noted that definite article "The" was slipped before "War Horse" which indicates another possible deception for the true film is titled simply "War Horse" so what is the game here, Watson? We showed that villain Moriarty up and went to Holmes instead. Not clever enough by half, professor!

Truth be told the ticket seller could not find the 3:45 show on his computer. Moriarty's work again? Alas, we got these tickets and the chap said we could just go ahead to the show an he would straighten everything out. Hmmm. I wonder. Was that another deception? Regardless, our plans went according to plan and we saw the movie and quite enjoyed it. I deduce that the DVD shall be under the tree next Christmas. Mrs. Hudson! Tea, if you please.

Happy New Year, everyone! All the best in 2012 - the Year of the Dragon - my year!

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