Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus

New Year's Day Wheelbarrow Race

In Ponteland, there is a wheelbarrow race every New Year's Day at 12pm. When researching the traditions of the race for this picture, it says "The tradition is thought to date back to the early 14th Century, when, during a particularly severe winter the Lord of the Manor encouraged local residents to go out and forage in the surrounding countryside to gather what they could in order to help them survive the bitter winter."

I woke up at 11:35 and originally felt like just lazing around but headed up to North Road to watch them come past. The men's race was at around 12:20 so I had plenty of time. These guys in fancy dress were in last place but I thought they looked really funny and they put a smile on my face.

Happy New Year to you all and I hope that 2012 brings you happiness!

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