Punk Rock Zoologist

By CaptVickHartnel

Jungle Garden

Another shot from Gran's house, from the jungle of a front garden, with my room just visible. Wanted to take a few shots of the house and the garden before we left. I remember exploring that garden as a kid, pretending I was some sort of brave wilderness explorer.

We went out to the garden centre recently and bout $100+ worth of new plants for the flower beds, some very nice things. I'm more of a zoologist than a botanist, so I can't tell you everything we got, except for a variety of sage called pineapple sage. I'll have to find some back in Melbourne to put in our new garden.

Anyway, we're back in Aus now. Had a pretty average flight, although we were late and got called on the PA system, first time I've had that happen. I always miss that lovely place at the beach, but I'm sure I'll be back there again soon.

~Capt. Vick

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