X Sighted

By q8rdave

ASOPOMO Twenty-one

The 20th in A Series Of Photographs Of My Orchids Lc (Laelia Cattleya) Netrasiri Beauty x Lc Varut Star Track. Waxy and stiff so as to be plastic. Its parents have provided the genes to allow great texture, color and fragrance. In other words the breeders involved in the many crosses that were made to get to this plant knew what they were doing (and, of course, had luck on their pollinating instincts). At 3pm the fragrance is soft and motherly - more like scented talcum than the earth-shaking perfume from the big white Cats that are in bloom. We will see if it changes to take on a morning personae - as I recall stronger and more citrusy.

We are told by the people who's guesses at such things we have been schooled to believe that it will be cold tonight, so the long parade of getting orchids to warmer confines has begun.

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