wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

A New Game

There's a new game in our house. It's called 'Mog [that's me] gets her camera out and chases all the nieceynephs around with it, trying to get photos of them'. It's such a lot of fun.

Took my niece to the movies today, as her Christmas present. She's 8, and after remembering how much I loved going to movies with just my dad at about that age (Toy Story, Lion King) I thought it was time she got to have a 'just her' trip too. Of course, her 5-year old brothers thought it was a bit unfair, but I've promised to take them too when they're 8. I can see this getting expensive. :D Anyway, we saw Puss in Boots, which I enjoyed quite a lot. It's always nice seeing kids' movies in cinemas full of kids. I think Niece R liked it, she said she did, but then wouldn't tell the rest of the family about it. It was solid entertainment, with a bit for everyone. Not the best ever, but I laughed out loud a few times, and certainly giggled inside a bit more.

It was also stinking hot (for us - 32°C) today, so it was good to sit in an air-conditioned theatre for a couple of hours. A cool change has now come through, with a prediction of 20°C tomorrow. Should be a little better for getting things done...

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