My Year in Pictures

By jenny


Excuse the rather lame blip, however I'm lame today and this is what my right outer thigh would be saying to me if it could speak.

I have no idea what I've done, however it's exceedingly painful and I can't even stand on that leg.

Not good when I start The Challenge 7 weeks this Saturday :(

I've also had serious computer/software malfunctions today which means I'm now horribly behind getting my work done :(

I then had my jabs for my trip too and now have plasters on both upper arms :(

However the wonderful news is that I've hit my sponsorship target :D

Sending huge thank you's to everyone - how fabulous is it that people - including blippers I've never even met - have been so generous - you really are ace :D


PS. If I'd know how hard it would be to take a picture of a bit of paper stuck to your own thigh and get it in even partially in focus I would not have attempted this!

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