It's one life, live free!


Well, it's the fame game !

and we die !

The condition of being known or talked about by many people, esp. on account of notable achievements.

renown - reputation - glory - repute - name - kudos

And our Wikipedia highlights fame and famous as - a word inspired by the concept of celebrity.

And I say - that's kind of the world we live in... summarized by a title which gets the fame and the first line of this ends it.

Let me teach you how to make a stir fried vegetable salad...
: Spice flavored olive oil - I choose garlic
: Coriander Power - to marinate the vegetables
: Pepper - Crushed... finely powered doesn't work :p
: Zeera - for seasoning
: Fresh Lemon - to kick your senses
: Salt - quantity to linger ones tastebuds
: Chilli or Paprika powder - for extra spiciness; have a Thai or Indian green chilli and scream louder ;)
: Fresh Celery / Coriander / Rosemary leaves
Shall we start...? with what.. how..
Oh yeah.. pick your favorite vegetables and chop them as per their / your / others or bosses ego... muhahahahah!

The trick lies in picking the right vegetables... like when they teamed or mixed well, they should ring the bell; I mean famous tasting combinations... Hope it did ring the bell that all the above text written is to win the fame game :-B

Step 1: Chopped vegetables goes into the oven... heat them till they are loose their rawness (err.., did it sound like blowing a cherry; heck with it) and the water can be used to make soup.. add some milk, ginger, grind onion and boil it separately... with a spoon of corn floor in it and you've the tastier and healthy soup

Step2: After the overly deviated step 1, we take a sauce pan and bang the roomies head with it for not chopping the vegetables :D

Step3: Oil, chosen leaves, zeera, slight pepper and stir for a min... add the first variety of vegetable**... stir, sprinkle coriander powder on it (Do not stir after sprinkling).. close the pan with a lid and wait for 30 seconds ... this time is enough for your roomie to run to the stove, screaming -- "Dude.. it smells good" and you give a shit about it.. and ask him to help stir ;)

after 30 secs, add crushed pepper, salt and if wanting.... the extra chilli (we do this for every vegetable... which means we divide the required quantity in parts and add it after every vegetable is marinated or stuck on to the newly added vegetable... and makes us feel flying a plane is easy than to remember this confusing stuff)

Continue adding one after the other vegetable and repeat the sprinkling process...

** remember to add the tenderest vegetable at the end

This is a ready to eat dish and serve immediately into the plate and sprinkle lemon on it like the guruji does with sacred water after his holy recitals a.k.a pooja (not the girl next door :))

after this fame I announce my today is dead

Photo Courtesy: Club Room in my apartment and I didn't pay ransom to click the photo

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