top five

Here are five of my favourite books of 2011.

1. Tina Fey, Bossypants. Totally hilarious. I'm laughing just thinking about it. I don't read biographies, but I loved this.

2. Daphne du Maurier, Rebecca. I wish I had read this when I was 16, I think it would have blown my mind. I love a romance that gets you right in the guts. This is scary too, a page turner. Since this I've read 3 other DdM books this year. The Parasites is pretty great too.

3. George Orwell, Coming Up For Air. I was given this as a gift about 10 years ago and never read it. Stuck for something one night, I picked it up. It's astonishing. I've not read a voice like it - unique, funny, insightful and like it was written yesterday.

4. DBC Pierre, Vernon God Little. This is like hearing music you love for the first time. New way of saying things, new pace. New way of ending.

5. Andrew Kauffman, All My Friends Are Superheroes. This must be the fourth or fifth time. There is nothing I don't like about this book. Nothing. It moves me beyond measure, lights me up and gives me hope. We all have a superpower.

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