Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Thinking of Rachel

I heard some bad news today from my friends, as she has to go into hospital for another operation. Like me she suffers from Crohns disease, an incurable disease which causes a great deal of suffering, and in rare cases death.

I first met Rachel in hospital over 10 years ago when I was going through a rough period, although if it wasn't for my father I would probably have never got to know her. At that time I was quite happy to be on my own, so when she came in the treatment room I was not Mr Sociable, but thankfully we got talking and have remained friends ever since.

We hardly see each other but keep in touch through the power of technology; and the last time we met was last summer when I accidentally bumped into her in Cardiff. At that time she was looking really well and enjoying motherhood with her young baby, so it was a shock to hear today of her news.

Compared to Rachel I've been quite lucky with Crohns, but it always amazes me that she remains ever cheerful. She is a real star!

Hearing her news has made me determined to walk up Snowdon later this year and raise as much money as possible for Crohns, to defeat this disease once and for all.

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