Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Pricky Weather

Overcast and a DFO day this morning. "DFO" was a phrase coined by a fellow photographer many years ago and stands for "Dull Flat and Orrible" with reference to the light. This from the Mt Iron track with the Boss and Pete. I'm a tad tired this morning as we have visitors and I went for a 5AM walk this morning BEFORE BREAKFAST. And then the Boss gets up and wants to do Mt Iron. Well no problem cos I had had breakfast by then and my get up and go had returned. When walking Mt Iron watch out for grass burrs which are bad at this time of year. It's especially bad if you have a wolly "Velcro" coat like me. The Bossess has a wire brush that gets them out. Oh yes?It's a Scotch thistle imported way back before my time and now very common in N.Z.

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