My Saturday...

Got up,
Had breakfast,
Did some house work,
Went to Glasgow with Mike to pick up his new car,
Came home via a brilliant road to try out the new car,
Had a wee go of the car, it handles really well,
Went to Mike's Gran's, Auntie Liz & Uncle Alex to drop off a picture and let them see the car,
Went to Mike's Mum & Dad's to drop off some information and to let them see the car,
Went to Mik'e Auntie Nancy & Uncle Ian's to say hello and to let them see the car,
Home from there to make dinner,
G, C & D came round for a visit, it was great to see you all.
Then I had a shower and went to bed.
It was a good day :0)

Shona :0)x

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