Not my sort of exercise

Early morning child minding delayed my daily run. And when I thought I would go, the grandchildren wanted me to head to the beach below the cliff with them, despite the rain showers.

We had a lovely time. There had been enough sun to warm the water, and the rain when it came was also warm. Great fun had by all, and the end point was due to the two youngest (with fairest skins) having had enough exposure according to Grandpa. So dried and warm tops on and up the cliff path.

Mr H and Young L hurtled upwards at a speed that left poor Grandpa out of breath trying to catch up. The fitness of youth! Back to the beach house for cheese toasties, eagerly devoured by all four, and by the adults as well.

Therefore, the daily run got squeezed in late in the afternoon, when the tide was high. The wind remained strong, and the water choppy. In the water off Snells Beach (which even at high tide is little more than a couple of metres deep until a long way from shore), someone was speeding back and forth using a kite to pull her/him along on a board. Twice I saw the kite surfer bounce on a larger than expected wave, and come off.

This picture was taken in the middle of the turn, before heading back and angling away from the beach into deeper water. This picture is panned very slightly, and the image was straightened, and cropped. I can admire the skill of this person, without really understanding how they get enough fun from doing it to keep doing it.

(Earlier in the afternoon, Jesafly and Tsuken took the four children up to the top of the hill in Highfield Garden Reserve to fly a kite. Either or both may post evidence of the great fun had by all.

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