three six five - zero


365 times.

And the moment has arrived marking 365 entries on the eight-thirty blip log.

Thank you for stopping by. All of you. Really, I mean it. Who would have thought that 33325 pairs of eyes would have looked. An average of 92 views for each entry. Jings.

This has been incredible year. Starting this project on my birthday last year there's no way I'd have seen all of this coming.

The joys of the weeWeir's development from a nearly-three year old to a nearly-four year old. Plenty of her exploits have been shared too.

The unexpected and shocking loss of my Father-in-Law.

The beauty and simplicity of toys and cake

The delight of actually practicing (and playing) some drums (at 100 too)

Catching up with old friends from the other side of the world here in February and May

And the ordinary, everyday life that happens at 8:30 pretty much every day.

I wanted to post one of these three pictures for today as they echoed that last thought, but somehow it felt like I'd be missing the point of number 365.

Thank you again for reading. If you subscribe, then I'm ever grateful that you stalk my movements at 8:30. There will be more at 8:30, but as I blogged the other day, in a slightly different form. I think.

Acht, we'll see?


8:30 this morning I was leaving the house to head to work.

8:30 this evening I was welcome Mrs theWeir home from work while making some food.

Such is the normality and variety of life.

Here continues the eight-thirty project.

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