Rose-Tinted Spectacles

By WildWildWesti

Splish Splash They Were Taking A Bath...

Another beautiful hot summers day here on the west coast of NZ...nek minnit...sun sets (I think, because I couldn't see the darn thing), behind monstrous grey clouds that extend over the horizon...a day or two late but the bad weather is finally arriving.
Anyway, oldest daughter (Miss 5) went to a birthday today and returned home with the foulest temper...Master 3 has been as bit prementsrual all day too...and Little Miss Naughty (20 months), well, she's decided to take early classes in 'The Terrible Two's'.....
Dad decided, it would be a good idea to give them a bubble bath tonight to help soothe their troubles.....I wondered what on earth he was doing in the bathroom and then he came out wielding an electric drill with my kitchen whisk attached.......the result is todays photo. The bubbles had died down a little by the time I captured my shot, not necessarily a good shot, but it stuck in my mind and will always bring a smile to my face when I see it :)

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