Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Low Sun

Slightly less tired today than yesterday. Yesterday I felt utterly exhausted all day - two very late nights in fairly quick succession had left us both wiped out.

I'm still not well-enough rested to have reached the stage where I can be properly efficient, but I am improving, and spent this morning clearing up my study, which was rapidly filling up with various books, papers and rat paraphernalia.

Today the youngsters have moved into the big cage with Charlie and Moses. It seems to have gone well so far - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it continues this way. So far so good though. And now I really have to pull my finger out with the cage extension to give them all a bit more space.

This afternoon I went into town to pick up a few bits of shopping. I forgot the list, but only forgot one thing, and a non-essential at that!

When I got home, my Mum called to say my Brother had been robbed at knifepoint yesterday. Apparently he's somewhat shaken up, but wasn't hurt, which is a relief. He was sensible and handed over his wallet (unlike me - I was threatened with a knife in similar circumstances around 15 years ago and told my assaulter to go away, which was probably a bit foolish).

And now we're pretty tired again and will soon head to bed. Getting back into the routine is happening, although slowly. I'm also spending a lot of time catching up on stuff that wasn't done while I was at college and also helping the new ratties settle in.

Oh, the picture (nearly forgot the picture again). I took it while I was out and about in town this afternoon. It wasn't anything like as dark as it looks in the picture, but I think the camera made it look dark because I was pointing into the sun. I quite like it though!

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