Dick's Pics

By RichardDonkin

Westminster sunset

Perfectionist tendencies are taking over. I ought to be pleased with this blip of the Palace of Westminster and the River Thames in London and I am, but it was taken under time pressure and I think it could have been much better if the sun had fallen lower in the sky. But I was in a hurry to get to a presentation at the HSBC building in Canary Wharf.

It was the 40th floor and a beautiful red/blue/yellow sky was highlighting the cone of Canary Wharf Tower through the open blind. I wanted to be blipping but had to be still in my seat and by the time the event was over, so was that twilight sky.

Walking away from the Embankment I passed a young man on his knee, in the midst of proposing marriage to his girlfriend. He opened a box with a ring inside. I had the urge to blip but the moment had passed before I could have raised the camera. People nearby applauded. It was a lovely moment that I doubt could have been recorded well in the instant and replaying the shot just wouldn't have been the same although I'm sure they would have obliged.

Note to self: must work on candid photography.

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