
By Ilaria

Clyde Arc revisited!!!!'s been a strange and beautiful day today!! After yesterdays blip, and all I said there, I have to thank you all for being so kind. It is indeed a stressful time....along a road that many of you have walked before me. Whether its just all the worry recently, I don't know....but last night I started sneezing like blazes, and now indeed have another cold!! That meant that yet again I was unable to go through and see mum (although I did visit early in the week). She's begged me not to hand on anything that makes her cough or sneeze!!! Too painful!! So back to phonecalls...

What this did do though was mean I had a day to rest....and I did indeed!!!

I finished a half night shift at 2am, and it was one of those nights NOT to waste!! Off I went down to the Clyde....cold, crisp, clear still night!!! UTTERLY BEAUTIFUL. I know at 2am it's a time to be wary....and I am...believe me. But it all went well. Birds were singing, and the reflections on the water were to utterly die for!!! I met only two other people....TRIPODS in tow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol!!! Are we a strange bunch or what!!! :-)))))

The time there...a good hour and more....was so peaceful. Then I went home to bed. I got up at 11am, and despite being bunged up and sneezing some more...was a much happier person. Turns out mum was having other visitors today I'd never have got a word in anyway!!!!

Took myself off to Mugdock Park for lunch and a good read, then a walk. The whole afternoon was glorious. You know...the best analogy I can come up with is that yesterday I felt like a wrung out sponge...and today I was able to just have time to soak up every bit of water beauty around!!! Sunshine, frosty fields, a Robin, frozen puddles, a babbling brook, birdsong, horses out grazing, low lying mist hovering over the tree tops, the sun setting on the Campsies, lovely music in the car.......and on and on....

I needed a all day rest...and I have tomorrow too. Somehow having the cold didn't even bother me!! I was kinda thankful!!!!!! There are a lot of things to be thankful for...sometimes I forget that when I let myself get stressed out!! :-))

As to the blip.....

This is a retake of a previous blip, way back last April, with my's not better...I just wanted another go to try and capture the pink/purple colour of this bridge!! It actually changes was red at one point before I got the camera set up!! The older blip was soon after sunset and is here!!

I took another shot of a lovely building reflected....and nearly blipped it instead....see here!!

ALSO.....most important......and some thing that utterly baffled me....


I do have a question ....I took THIS shot with my wide angle lens. It doesn't have IS and I was using a tripod, and remote shutter...but every shot had very obvious blur, and shake(??)!!!! What on earth caused this?? It doesn't happen with day shots...although I've not used this lens much!! Is it camera shake!!! It was such a shame!! ANY advice folks??

Take to phone mum now....

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