Paul Klee: Museum of Music

Today we attended yet another fabulous exhibition:  "Paul Klee: Polyphonies", at the  Musée de la Musique. Klee (1879-1940) is one of my favorite artists altogether. The theme was Klee's relationship to music.  He grew up in a musical family, mastered the violin as a child,  and disappointed his parents by choosing art over music.  I've followed Klee for fifty-odd years; most of the works in the show I had not seen before. (It ends on Sunday :(

The blip shows a school group at the museum --most likely there  to see the permanent display of musical instruments, which is superb. One sees school groups in every French museum during the week-- here's an example in Amiens in March 2010. In this blip the Klee exhibition poster is on the left and a cut-out model of the museum on the right.

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