Around and about!

By xLindax

Handbag problem!!!

30 Day Challenge: Day 13 - Me and 13 things.

12 handbags and a cowboy hat!

The handbags - It's been quite hard photographing these as I just couldn't do them justice. They've been hung up, laid down, draped casually over my shoulder and finally thrown displayed on my dressing table.They are all treasured and loved, some more than others but all in their own special way. Some say it's an obsession but I see it as a necessity!

I had a sort out not so long since and my niece was a very lucky girl. I had to get rid of some just so that I can get some more as my wardrobe was getting a little bit full!

The cowboy hat (worn especially for Sarah x) - a recent present from my father in law, he said he saw this and thought of me!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently I really like hats (I own two), he also got me a flat cap - love him!

Going on a beginners camera course tomorrow with above mentioned gawjus friend. Chances of us 2 learning anything? NONE

Have a great weekend x

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