Sun set on Solway.

Sounds like a holiday resort? The last resort?

The pair of us have just about gone stir crazy and decided to see the escape committee. We managed to get down town, catch a hen for tomorrow, raid the bank and grab the ubiquitous cuppa before heading off along the ''Clickety click'' = the A66, not to be confused with Route 66, though we sometimes call it that.

When I was younger and dafter (SHUT UP YOU!) I started my Fire service career in the great metrolopse of Whitehaven. I got promoted to L.Fm. at Penrith in '78, moving over  on ''Coronation Day'' (June 2nd).
I've  never managed to escape since and we're in grave danger of becoming ''Local'' or going feral, or summat.

Anyway, due to a combination of job(s), health and one thing and another, we've almost forgotten the way to Whitehaven.

Having arrived we discovered we almost needed a map to find our way around ... ''Here be dragons.''

I couldn't, really, leave the place without a run up to Bransty and a look over the Solway.

They say that
''If you can see the Isle of Man it's going to rain.''
'' If you can't see it, it is raining.''

I am delighted  to announce that this is not the case.

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