
Groom's Cake.

It would have been lovely if the camera shop in Orange, TX had warned me about the Nikon SB 900 overheating. Ha! Would it have stopped me from purchasing it yesterday? No. But it would have been a lovely warning.
Shot my first (and only?) wedding today. David and Cindy are so low key, that it was wonderful. I hope they enjoy their photos. I am so happy for them to be together and it was a joy for me to have been involved today.

This was the first wedding that I've been to where I didn't feel trapped and needing an escape route from a relationship. Maybe it helps that I'm single. Thinking back to my husband catcher entry from June. It still rings true. I will wait to be pursued. It's worth it to me.

Had a crazily disturbing dream last night. It's scary how your subconscious makes your feelings clear even in the midst of the strangest circumstances. Keep that in mind for whatever happens.

Love spending this time with my family. Every chance I get.


Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. - [hebrews 11:1]


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen...

the evidence of things not seen.. hoping in spite of it all. That's what I do. I hope.

(Thanks to my Aunt Rhonda who sent me that verse after she read my blip for today... applicable. Totally.)

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