Scotland The World Over At the Forth Rail Bridge

I took part in Scotland The World Over!
This blip is a tribute to the engineering design of John Fowler and Benjamin Baker and the patience of his Lordship who with a dedication outwith the call of duty, drove me to North Queensferry this morning and stood gamely with the saltire, which he had secured with Boy Scout ingenuity in a stick, so that I could get an iconic Scotlandtheworldover photo with the Forth Rail Bridge in the background.

Not that this venture didn't come without various complaints about the sun in his eyes, the traffic chaos around Shandwick Place and the lack of public conveniences en route, not to mention my addiction on the blipping front.
But in the end we made it back home in something almost akin to marital harmony.

I have one more 'theworldover' blip up my sleeve, but this won't mean a drive or any input from his Lordship, so the harmony should continue.

The expression on his Lordship's face can be interpreted as either reverence for the Saltire or to the fact that at any moment the stick and flag could part company - more likely the latter.

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