All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Scotland The World Over

After getting home from the mummies night out just after midnight last night, I enjoyed a lie in this morning, as hubbie was on "Ethan duty". Looked out the window and saw these plane trails which I thought would be just right for my Scotland The World Over entry!

Hubbie took Ethan to Almond Valley Heritage Centre late morning and then over to Bathgate to pick up Eden. Foreveryoung had another really bad night with her last night, so we said we'd take Eden again to give her a bit of a breather and hopefully let her catch up on her sleep. I ended up taking both children back to the Heritage Centre in the afternoon. Ethan seemed happy enough to go twice in one day!

Foreveryoung had driven over to our house while we were out, to pick up Eden. They ended up staying for dinner and we bathed the kids together again before the Foreveryoungs headed back home.

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