wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


My nephews and their cousin had a little family birthday party. We had all the proper party food - sausage rolls, fairy bread, and cheezels. Here's nephew R showing off his cheezelly fingers.

We ran around, being the youngest aunty it's expected of me to chase and tickle and play with all the munchkins. So I ran and chased and tickled, and occasionally made excuses to join the adult conversation. This wasn't usually taken too well.

After that I went out for a birthday/farewell/any excuse drink in Salamanca, before making a fool of myself at a local cocktail bar. I walked up to the door, chatting to my friend, and the bouncers asked me for my hand to stamp. Without thinking I held it out, palm down. He responded 'Ah, other way', and stamped my inner-wrist, saying 'you don't go out much do you?' 'No, never' I replied, slightly embarrassed. Heh. Heh. Oops.

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