Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Tantallon Castle for Scotland The World Over

I took part in Scotland The World Over!

If the sun didn't reach the frosty parts today, then they remained as frost, for the temperature was by no means warm today.

Whilst I was waiting on the busy High Street in North Berwick, across the road from where Donald was very busily engrossed with his camera and a few watchful crows, I saw Donald walk towards a parked blue Clio which had an opened boot. He edged towards this car, ever watchful of his dearly beloved wing-ed friends and proceeded to open the drivers door of this blue Clio and start to climb in. It was hard to find words of warning through my amazement and laughter. I don't know how long it would have taken him to realise that he'd climbed into the wrong car. Love, thou art indeed a distraction!

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