Day 16 ....

Long Exposure.

Just as I suspected ~ getting this long exposure shot was a challenge. Actually most of today has been a challenge.

The day started for me with a 5:30 a.m. wake up since I had an 8:00 a.m. appointment. Well, I was on time (early even) but the Doctor with whom I had the appointment never showed. To say I was miffed is an understatement. On the way to my appointment I passed up many long exposure photo ops because I didn't want to be late!! ARRRRH!

Once I returned home I wasn't in the blipping mood so I took care of a few things around the house. But all the while trying to come up with a good idea. Then I remembered that I had a flashing ball thingy. The next challenge was finding a dark enough place to do the photography since it's still daytime here. I shut myself in our spare bedroom with the shades drawn ~ that wasn't dark enough. I then put a blanket over my head ~ that did the trick.

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