Something New...

I did something new about ten minutes ago. Not taking a photo of the castle, which is something I've indulged in, in the past. No, I bought my first full album digitally.

The time it has taken for me to take this step is something that surprises me as I am fully on board with a digital age but I'm just more traditional in my music medium prefering to buy CDs and rip them for listening to on my phone as well as in the house. I guess the slight shift is partly borne from my computer semi-living in a cupboard in the kitchen (where I'm now typing this from) and where I listen to music from whilst cleaning the kitchen. The other reason is that the website that sells the CD noted it as sold out other than on iTunes.

I now just need to make sure my phone will play it which I'm pretty sure it does.

On other musical notes, want to hear my only vinyl record which is now adorning my living room wall in a frame? My brother has it on his Soundcloud account and it's free for you give your ears a workout to. Please don't operate any heavy machinery whilst listening to it as it is extra funky.

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