Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Day 17 - Technology

I have a feeling iPhones and such like will be a common theme for today's challenge of technology. What did we do before the iPhone - yes, I know, we used to talk to each other rather than Facebook, Tweet, Blip etc etc!!!! I am sure they can be named in divorce papers for some people......stand away from the iPhone!!!!!

But seriously, they are fantabulous. Be it for finding the local takeaway, petrol station or services when you are lost in Cornwall. Or maybe it's for finding directions when you are lost. Or taking a photo of a pair of shoes you simply have to have (very useful for when out furniture shopping too!)

Reading books, listening to music - the list goes on! You can tell I'm a fan - so here you have it my favourite bit of technology!

No camera so today's photo is bought courtesy of a friend's iPhone and it's a photo of my phone (obviously!)

Off out with a couple if the girls from work tonight to wagamama, yum!

Nearly half way through the week already - woohoo!!

Tomorrow - your shoes :)

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