Dogs Days


The Weather Vane

This is the weather vane at my house and today I will tell you it's history. When my Humans moved here as a family. There were 4 of them. My two Humans, my back up Human and the Big American. Well I call him the Big American because he is now big and lives in America and sometimes comes to visit.
Anyway when they moved here my Back up Human was promised a Jack Russell. She found settling in to school a bit difficult so got her Jack Russell just after a few weeks to help her settle in. I'm not sure how I will get a picture of him on here now but leave it with me. He was called Oscar and he was legendary. A phenominal rat catcher so when my Human started up a pest control business he used Oscar as his template and he was on the headed note paper with a rat in his mouth. I have photos of me having caught rats but apparently they can only go on here if i catch it and photograph it on that day and that's not easy. So I am one of a number of Jack Russells that have lived here with these humans. So I have those Jack Russells to thank for having trained my Humans so well.
Luv Ginnie.

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