Around and about!

By xLindax


30 Day Challenge: Day 17 - Technology

I wasn't sure what to take tonight. Living with two teenage boys and a techno gadget geek of a husband I could take my pick. Here is just a selection of the various items of techno-gadgetry dotted around my house. Of course we need 3 remote controls to turn the tv over (I still struggle to know which one to use much to the annoyance of my male dominated household) and we all need a mobile, a laptop and a wii just to exist.

I do honestly believe that I am a complete techno-phobe due to having 3 men who 'do everything' for me and I therefore never learn and have no desire to learnhow to use anything!

It does amuse me however when sometimes we are sat watching the tv, all 4 of us with lap tops on our knees and mobile phones at the side of us! Thankfully this isn't often and their guitars seem to have over taken the laptop use and sometimes we even communicate by talking - times like that are marked on the calendar though!!

Wednesday tomorrow, where is this week going? Have a good one x

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