Holding on

All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
-- Havelock Ellis

Max has had a health crisis this morning and a vet trip with decisions to make. He vomited a considerable amount of blood in the evening or early morning, but ate his breakfast normally. Of course we took him in, I was prepared as best as possible for holding on (of course), or God forbid, letting go. His blood work was normal, we decided against an ultrasound after considerable thought. If they found a tumor we would not put the old gentleman through surgery or chemotherapy. We brought him home after a typically carsick six minute ride(no blood). He went directly to a bed, passing up food which is not customary after even a carsick bout. They hydrated him, and gave him an alka-seltzer type liquid medication concoction for 10 days and an anti-nausea injection. We will watch him and make our decisions based on his condition. We will not put him through all we tried with our old dear half Aby, Iris. He would never comply anyway, he's a stubborn old man cat with a strong personality.

There was no guarantee that the ultrasound would yield the secret of the bleeding either, then it would be an endoscope procedure and all of that begins to be too much at his age with falling weight, diabetes since 2008 and his age. We can change our minds and decide to have one, but we'll see.

Luckily, T was home today, so we could do this together which was such a relief. We are very sad, he is a fabulous animal.

So, the Queen Stresser,Raspberry, is still locked in the bedroom out of the loop for good reason. She needs a visit soon, she is another fabulous creature too.

Thanks in advance for your good thoughts, the blood was quite a shock to wake up to.

She is free now, and he is comfortable in the loft. He is extremely subdued from the ordeal, but even more than after his recent fall. That concerns me.
She was all over the cat case with all the vet smells.

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