Giving this a go...

By Debiives


Hooray I got it finished and I was pretty happy with it. It took until 12.30am this morning to finish it then I had to do last minute adjustments this morning as the hat didn't fit.
Hopefully you can tell who he is meant to be! (if you know children's books) They were meant to be a character from a book and apparently there were lots of really good characters as well as a lot of generic princesses, pirates etc (fair enough, not everyone is as skilled as me at making costumes ;-) but also a few random ones like Chelsea players!?

I've joined the gym because they were doing a really good offer which made it worth it for just going twice a week. I'd been thinking of trying to do 1 of my 3 or 4 runs a week on the treadmill to get off the pavements to try and save my shins so that along with circuits made it worth it. So I had my induction last night plus did 3 miles on the treadmill then today I went again and tried out the cross trainer and did another 3 miles.

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