Ici Bruxelles

By bsprout

Musical chairs

What good reason would two grown women have for playing musical chairs in a shopping centre? The answer is the chance to win two return tickets to London on Eurostar. Having agreed to throw caution and dignity to the wind, we took our seats and the fun started. It was every man for himself! I lasted until the fourth chair was taken away and bowed out gracefully. We were down but not out - my friend Min, over from Edinburgh for the weekend, was still in the game. In the penultimate round she was almost blasted to kingdom come by the unexpected arrival of a Belgian bottom on her seat. The woman was not budging and only left when the ref/judge/compere told her she had been beaten fairly and squarely by the lady in mauve. So, having narrowly escaped a back injury, Min had made it to the final round. There she faced a man who must have tickets to the Olympics as he looked like he was not leaving without the train ride. In the end she decided she wasn't going to fight him for them. After all, did she really want to come back to Brussels to travel to London when she could go direct from Scotland? We giggled at the madness of it all in front of the not insignificant crowd that had gathered. We may not have won the tickets but we had the last laugh!

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