A place in time

By Verbosa


Well, woke up feeling pretty sorry for myself today...

I'm not well, but cannot say what's wrong. Just ill. Feel like I haven't slept in days and like someone's removed the stiffener from my backbone.

So, I reluctantly had to phone my Mum to say I wouldn't be driving down to see her today as it is not worth the risk of passing on whatever germies I have to an 85-yr old.

Then I went back to bed and slept solidly until lunchtime.

Anyway, no outside photos today, just a quick snap of my breakfast - Berry YogNog. This is made with:
~ one glass natural probiotic organic yogurt
~ one glass of frozen mixed berries (thawed out)
~ one tablespoon ground almonds
~ one tablespoon pumpkin seeds
~ one tablespoon linseeds
~ one RAW small free range organic egg

Whizz it all up in a blender and you get the most delicious smoothie for breakfast (makes about 1.5 of these glasses in quantity).

And if you wonder what that gizmo behind the glass is...well, it's my flaker. It's like an old Spong mincer (remember those?) except it has two rolling cylinders that "flake" (or flatten) groats to make OATS. By doing that, you keep all the goodness inside the groats until the last minute.

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