Another Beautiful Day

By drewzealand

Bat Pod

Day two in Sydney
...Hot...humid....oh how we sweat....
Went out last night for a lovely Greek dinner in a resturant in Mossman.
Yummie food, great company and lots to catch up on.
Today we went on the Ferry to Manly to meet friends Beth and Michael and catch up on all their news, views and events. Had a lovely lunch at Manly and a wander down around the area. On the way back we wandered through the Botanical Gardens which are lovely.....until you look upwards, BATS...everywhere in the trees and how they are destroying the flora...23,000 of them little buggars...eating away at the trees. The Sydney Council has a plan to endeavour to get rid of them or cull the numbers down. They have installed metal poles which emit a high pitched sound to upset their rythym a didn't seem to be working. Beth reminded Julie not to gaze at them in awe with her mouth open....weez and pooz!!!!!!

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