for a thing

I meant to stick the lights on too, but forgot. This is only a test, anyway. Also the 35mm f/1.8 isn't particularly great at handling direct bright light.

Nickywife improves, but is still a bit weary so I didn't get to hand over the boy and perform my outside-errand until late afternoon, after which it was too late to attempt to pop out to head to Broughton Street to attempt to mingle awkwardly. Maybe there'll be a mosque thing sometime instead. I felt oddly incapable and weak on the way out, hopefully not due to an incipient lurgy, though it was probably just earlier-in-the-day relative inactivity as I was fine on the way back when weighed-down with foodstuffs, which possibly also helped prevent my back wheel from skittering too much on uneven surfaces.

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