Light Around the Corner

This was on the way home from a lunch time get together with a few of the guys I used to work with at S&N, way back when. Including G, who was diagnosed with cancer some months ago. It seems to be doing okay - although he is in some pain, he seems to be managing it well at the moment - taking medication now that his courses of chemo have finished, at least for the moment. He has been able to take up climbing again - back to the indoor climbing wall in an old church. While he said he hasn't been able to stretch quite as much as he used to, he has already noticed an improvement in his upper body strength. Tomorrow he plans to do a walk in the Pentlands and if that goes alright he hopes to tackle an 'easy' Munro before too long. And he's started a weekly photography course at an Edinburgh gallery, so he seems to be keeping himself busy!
Later on L and I went down to Cramond for an hour or so - she wanted to film a short clip in the evening light for a creative project of her own. It was very cold and we didn't hang around too long. Considered using one of my shots from there but preferred this one.

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