Foundations for New Preschool

Harisen wrote;


Could'nt send pictures on Friday, we had no network.

Today we went to Samuel Jere village in Doroba to install two pumps, will send the GPS details later.

We then went to Kadambo to see the construction of the preschool, and to visit a pump that we installed 5 days ago, we told them to plaster around it which they have done .
Still raining.


No Forex, No Fuel, Maize Scarce.
Looks like a hectic day for everyone.
Brendan ( No 12) is a civil engineer, doing a three month volunteering stint with us, so it's appropriate that he has a shovel!!
Picture from Friday: Bendicto from the farm shows the 20 women from the Doroba Self Help Cluster how to sow Citrus seedlings. These women represent 10 Self Help groups and impact over 3000 villagers. We haven given the 200 women 400 seedlings.

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