Beefy Lorelei

By beefylorelei

Writing lyrics...

This is me writing song lyrics.

Something I find hard. I find it hard because I'm constantly concerned about the cheese factor. Lyrics are inherently cheesy, in my humble.... It comes with the territory I suppose. I very much admire these few artists who genuinely just do it without the cheese factor being, well, a factor, and it's wonderful.

Tom Waits does it beautifully. Due to the combination of who he is, his public persona, artistic credibility and integrity he can just about say anything cheesy and it wouldn't come across that way... Brilliant. Perry Farrell, Robert Plant (well almost gets away with it), Billie Holiday, Eddie Vedder, Caleb Followill, David Bowie and Jack White. To name a few of my lyrical heroes. It must be in the commitment of delivery. Another bit I can't do. I'm no singer. I like to think one day I might be, but ...............

Came across another artist just a couple of weeks ago called RM Hubbart, a songwriter and guitarist from Glasgow. I opened my review of his new album with. "I love this album, I've listened to it seven times and will listen to it for the rest of my life." he has the non cheese thing going on too... Just great. I really admire this quality in writing.

Maybe I'm just far to critical of myself? I dunno but, sometimes I struggle to take myself seriously when doing this, never mind asking anyone else to. Ha ha ha.

Another part of that review I was speaking about mentioned the fact that the region of my brain reserved for "art" borders the region that is responsible for "your taking this too seriously and I'm about to rip the piss" area of my brain. Not exactly a symbiotic relationship.

But I still do it, I kind of have to, if that makes any sense?

So, about 9 tunes on the go, all needing words. Usually have a go myself and the rest just evolve once we are all together rehearsing.

The great thing for me is that they (the words) still come to me/us. I'm not usually bothered about the way they "evolve" but, one day I'm going to nail it. I'm going to be so content with the content of a song lyrically I'd be willing to get physical to keep them as written. That's my goal anyway. What was that I said about confidence in delivery?

Now I'm off to worry about whether this blip is so cringingly cheesy I should go outside and bury myself for a week.Think I might disable to "comments" bit for this one if I can stop taking the piss out of myself for long enough.

Thanks for looking.


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