Muddy Adventures!

By TheFarmersWife

Bob-the-Cob in his Jim-Jams.....

Having our own ponies has been wonderful but it's so scary too.
Our first pony broke her leg a month after buying her which was such an awful traumatic thing for us all I thought we'd never own another. It took a while to stop blaming myself but although inexperienced, it wasn't my fault just a freak accident.
The. Six months later we met this handsome chap. Bob-the-Cob. He came to stay on a trial then had an infected foot and got poorly and went home but after all I that we bought him. He is such a love. A (now 7 yearold) Gypsy Cob. We've owned him for nearly three months now an he's such a big part of the family. My friends pony Sausage lives here too.
I've been terribly worried this week because he's gone off his feet. I worried he had laminitis he was doing the whole dying swan act on Monday and nearly keeling over but with box rest and lots of Keratax he seems to be improving.
We'll probably have to put his shoes back on because he won't walk on the road. Nope. He 'Minces' in such a camp way. Which my husband said is because he's a big girl in his PJ's. I think he looks cute though......

Have I mentioned that my gruff horse-hating-farmer calls Bob "My Boy", always has a carrot for him and is totally in love?

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