All Change

Morningside Road has been under constant change ever since I've known it but in the past few years small independent shops have come and gone as the recession took its toll. Not long ago I counted at least nine empty shop premises, the three that were here among them.

I had no idea that there had been a 'Travelling Requisites' shop (look in large) before Happit moved in, selling clothing that did me well enough when the children were small and funds were low. The single storey middle shop, Scaramouch, sold gifts, stationery and a good range of artist's supplies. Next door, another single storey, was Chatterbox, a bakery that took the place of Breadwinner, a bakery that in the 1980's introduced healthy wholegrain to the bread and cakes.

These are all demolished to be replaced by a Sainsbury's Local. To be honest, I can't see much competition except with M&S and Waitrose, further up the road, and it's quite near the bus stop.

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